
Telecom network fraud has proven to be irrepressible and ever-growing issue for Mobile Operators. Telecom Fraud is undoubtably becoming the primary source of Revenue Leakage. With the migration to IP technologies in communication networks, telcos have exposed their operations to attacks from creative and increasingly sophisticated fraudsters. Telecom fraud is an ever-present drain on profitability and operators have long tried to limit the losses that it inflicts upon them. However, as well as hitting an operator’s bottom-line, fraud has a far wider impact by critically affecting customers quality of service.

The industry is experiencing an increase of payment and subscription fraud, identify theft/impersonation, account takeover, insider threats, and SIM swap. The traditional usage-based fraud scenarios such as PBX or IP-PBX hacking, call-back schemes, and abuse of weak networks and devices is also on the rise.

In past practice, the telecom industry handled fraud complaints manually. Unfortunately, manual investigations of fraud consumed considerable time before fraud patterns could be identified. By that time, the damage was done. With artificial intelligence (AI), there is a new approach to fraud detection that not only reduces time to discovery, but limits the window for fraud losses. AI adaptability is critical in the fraud prevention fight if we want to keep up or get ahead of fraudsters' ever-changing behavior and methods.

Using the latest technology, industry insight, AI in combination with machine learning, experienced data science and fraud analyst professionals, Telsa is expertly placed to help you combat telecoms fraud on your network.

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More Services


Revenue Assurance

Protect your Revenue and Reputation with Proactive Revenue Assurance solutions.

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Forensic Audit Service

We use a unique approach that takes a holistic view of the enterprise, focused on typical areas of leakage.

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Data Science and Machine Learning Analytics

A combined big data and machine learning approach is proving one of the most promising of the new wave of solutions.

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Revenue Assurance Training

Training focused on hands-on RA experience rather than tool specific training.

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Digital Services: Cost and Margin Assurance

Training focused on hands-on RA experience rather than tool specific training.

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Managed Services

Proactive risk management, revenue recovery and control implementation, assisting departments to improve financial performance within the business.

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Revenue Assurance

Protect your Revenue and Reputation with Proactive Revenue Assurance solutions.

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Forensic Audit Service

We use a unique approach that takes a holistic view of the enterprise, focused on typical areas of leakage.

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Data Science and Machine Learning Analytics

A combined big data and machine learning approach is proving one of the most promising of the new wave of solutions.

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Revenue Assurance Training

Training focused on hands-on RA experience rather than tool specific training.

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Digital Services: Cost and Margin Assurance

Training focused on hands-on RA experience rather than tool specific training.

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Managed Services

Proactive risk management, revenue recovery and control implementation, assisting departments to improve financial performance within the business.

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